Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The chinese exam was easier than expected... good! I can ensure a pass. I really hope I can get A2.. wishful thinking. Biology time. I studied for more than 8 hours today. Ask me how I have benefitted? I tell you, practically nothing. I have this feeling I never study enough.

Am I supposed to be sad now? Perhaps. Yea, I should be drowning in eternal sorrow. Guess why I am still so cheerful in school? Maybe is because I have went through too much of this crap, that has caused me to be numb. I am now totally unmovable emotionally, or am I? I'm not sure. Excreta! Today is a poem, relevant one indeed.

My Cold
You became part of me,
just when I'm not quite sure.
Most likely in the subway,
where the air is not so pure.

Borne by airborne droplets,
sprayed out by some sneeze,
from some afflicted victim,
then carried by the breeze.

First my throat was sore,
now my nose is streaming.
Viri in my head and chest,
their numbers must be teeming.

It seems unthinkable
that such a tiny sphere
300 Angstroms wide
has left me lying here.

But I know this is an old war
my body's fought before.
Little does this virus know
what there is in store.

In my spleen the leucocytes
issued with their warrant,
spill out into my blood
and are carried by the torrent.

Into all capillaries
and annexes they stray,
seeking virus O-1-4
until they find their prey.

"Feed a cold" someone said.
I ate and drank my fill.
Knowing that more leucocytes
would go in for the kill.

Now I am much better.
My head is feeling clear.
A day in bed to sweat it out
has brought the end quite near.

Here is the epilogue:
Just when I thought I'd won,
I looked up at Fabienne
and knew I'd passed it on!

Credits: Adrian Thompson 1996 -1999

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