Saturday, February 24, 2007

No major events this week except for the "Junior Treat Senior". It turned out to be quite nice, excpet the fact that we will have a hole in our pockets. Lol, whose great idea is it to treat the Swensens....
Major muscle aches due to real over-exertion. Tues: Badminton with family, Wed: X-country run + 20km cycling, Thurs: PE + Badminton with class, Fri: PE again.

The mood of Chinese New Year continues and we'll be having a family dinner tomorrow, or actually it's today, the time I'm posting at is already considered Saturday. Getting sick of the current blog BGM.

Joke of the Week
A ten year old boy was failing math. His parents tried everything from tutors to hypnosis, but to no avail. Finally, at the insistence of a family friend, they decided to enroll their son in a private Catholic school. After the first day, the boy's parents were surprised when he walked in after school with a stern, focused and very determined expression on his face, and went right past them straight to his room, where he quietly closed the door. For nearly two hours he toiled away in his room, with math books strewn about his desk and the surrounding floor. He emerged long enough to eat, and after quickly cleaning his plate, went straight back to his room, closed the door, and worked feverishly at his studies until bedtime. This pattern continued ceaselessly until it was time for the first quarter report card. The boy walked in with his report card -- unopened -- laid it on the dinner table and went straight to his room. Cautiously, his mother opened it, and to her amazement, she saw a bright red "A" under the subject of Math. Overjoyed, she and her husband rushed into their son's room, thrilled at his remarkable progress.
"Was it the nuns that did it?", the father asked. The boy only shook his head and said, "No."
"Was it the one-on-one tutoring? The peer-mentoring?" "No."
"The textbooks? The teachers? The curriculum?"
"Nope," said the son. "On that first day, when I walked in the front door and saw that guy they nailed to the 'plus sign', I just knew they meant business!"

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Quite some stuff happened. Valentine's day was like... whoa! I ate too much sweets and chocolates, lol, just like always. Then there's Chinese New Year celebrations, which we just sit in the hall and watch performances :D, damn slack.

Eh Andy, that's a very bad thing to say. Oh yea, I posted late this week. Anyways, happy Chinese New Year to all. I wish you all be able to get the H3 you want to study (if any), as for Andy, I wish you can get your internet connection soon, and hope to see you in flyff as my bf again :D!!! I'll have good buffs for you!

Joke of the Week
Q: What kind of star is dangerous?
A: A shooting star.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Just some thoughts after watching the movie showed by Medical society. Okay, doctors need good social skills, I don't have, so what? I shall not be a doctor, I shall change my ambition to Medical Researcher, and hope I can find new breakthroughs in medicine. The week is fine, haha, Friday is the longest day and VJC gave us this day off for collecting results. Yes, the research class would be good, I'll stay till the end!

My results are actually not bad, but maybe because my results aren't good compared to others, I don't really feel happy. I should be congratulating everyone now right? Eh wait, do I sound sad here? No lols around this post. But hey, my humanities actually got A2, and my hcl got B3, which is actually not bad for my chinese standard. I will remain in VJC, I WILL! Oh yea, and congrats to all who done well :D. For those who haven't, this is my message to you guys: Exam results doesn't really measure how intellegent you are, you might have a crappy L1R5 now, but you are actually very intellegent in your own way. Like me, I got a L1R5 of 9, this score actually hides my ability in math and sciences, so don't really feel sad, you can do it in your A'levels.

Joke of the Week
Some of my freshman math students are so clueless. They think General Calculus was a famous war hero! Here is a follow up: If General Calculus actually did exist, he will probably know how to integrate his troops together and differentiate between his enemies and his allies.

Friday, February 02, 2007

It has been a nice week, and it really makes me wonder why JC people are so nice to their classmates. Decided to take the NUS A* VJC H3 Science Research and stay till the end, it's gonna take me hell lots of time, but I think I can make it. O'level results coming soon, just hope Dunman High can get the best results, though I think not likely, lol. Can't think of any nice quotes now, the current one is super old. Shall change my blog song. Damn long joke, but super funny.

Joke of the Week
[Taken away due to its imba length.]