Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I am broken, I am weird, strange and different from others, or so this is what I picked up from other 'normal's. I am freak whose mind operates differently from others. It is difficult to get into my wavelength. Should it be a matter?

I am different from you, I am unique. I am true to myself. Love me and hate me the way I am. I do not need to change myself and blend into the crowd to become 'normal'. I do not need to do what everyone is doing. No social conformism is necessary at all. I am unique. I can do things differently. I surprise.

I am broken, but I am still whole. That is why I never needed to find 'another half'. The world is mine to explore, to face. To pursue and excel with the strength that comes from within me. I am my own supportive pillar of strength.

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