Monday, August 14, 2006

Not a bad day, an okay day. The only thing to say today is the Chem Mock. Too easy, not worth taling about except the calculate the bond energy of ICl. If you have got 202 as your answer, I'm sad to say, you are wrong. It's 191. Why? Here's the best explanation I can give. Let's talk about the forward reaction. I2 and Cl2 reacts to form 2ICl, giving off 11kJ of heat energy (think about this properly. In order to make sure that the energy level in RHS is equal to LHS, 11kJ of energy must be added to the ICl side to balance and make the equation valid since ICl has lost energy. Think of this, I2 and Cl2 has a higher energy level than ICl, so how can you minus 11kJ from the ICl side again? It does not make the equation true! For more confirmation, check out NYGH 2004 Paper 2 Question A5(b)(ii).Still unconvinced? Draw out the elergy level diagram and put in all the bond energies. Does your products supposed to have more energy than the reactants when the reaction is exothermic?

Urgh, have to wait till tomorrow for Longfall. Eyes on Me isn't cheesy. The milkman does not like cheese.

Who the heck is Eyes on You? What do you mean by putting yourself as Eyes on You? Why am I asking this? Because I'm stupid! So there ARE people who read my blog. I am surprised! But I'm quite happy at the same time too. Ivan Lau said my blog is damn nice, haha. Yea, nice skin. I love my Snow Angel.

Joke of the Day
What is the most erotic number?
When 2 are 1 and don't pay at10tion, they'll know within 5 weeks whether or not, after 9 months, they'll be 3...

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