Well, same as yesterday, just some more A Maths. Haha, I actually enjoying doing A Maths, am I sadistic? I dunno, lol. I actually was bored by Junwei's new game and chose to go home. The graphics is nice, that's all.
So many things to say, I shall start with National Day celebrations. Just like every year, sing National Anthem more loud than any other day, then listen to the Recollections. Okay it is a recollection. I was actually very sentimental today. Usually, I am not, I'm only sentimental and super sensitive when it comes to music. I realised many things that I never did. To many, National Day is just a day to celebrate the nation's birthday, but to us future leaders, it means that Singapore has embarked on a newer route towards the future. Will Singapore be successful, or will the economy break down? It is really up to us. I still feel last year's quote "The Future is Ours to Make" is great. Do you want Singapore to be more prosperous in the future? It will be up to us, you know? It is a big responsibility! Why was the performances in the hall called a concert when there isn't any good music? The only concert like performance is Eva's singing.
Then, it is the performances by teachers to make us study harder. Okay, it is really useful, but I think I am working hard enough already, so... The one with the the four male teachers singing owns! Mr Koh's cartoon is super qiang! No doubt about it being his favourite, but I just felt that the songs and performances and stuff are all boys. The cartoon is mostly about the boy, how can her wife die first? Females are supposed to live longer than males! But on the whole, this programme really has a big impact. The Auditorium was cold, but I felt very warm in my heart.
For those who knows what the chinese have to do on the 15th of the 7th month, good for you, you will understand what I say. My mother brought home food that has been prayed for us to eat from my grandmother's house (mother's side). She told us the roasted duck is one of my aunt (her husband is my grandmother's son) give us one, because my aunt saw that my grandmother was discriminative and gave my mother a lousy part of a chicken. To my aunt, thanks a lot, a whole bunch, you are great, you have such a good heart! As for my grandmother... please stop your thoughts on gender discrimination! Do you know what generation we are in already? Your wai4 sun1 is smater than any of your nei4 sun1 nv3s. Haiz, I cannot blame their outdated thinking too. Ok, for my family, my mother admitted subconsciously that she showed favouritism. She treated my bother better than me. I actually didn't feel it for 15 years. When I told her that I can't feel that I am being treated lousier than my brother, she said she felt super comforted. Guess, she felt guilty, lol. Haiz, like mother, like daughter.
Now, I need some links. Who can offer? The theme of songs in my phone has also changed to pop, to give someone face, I'm gonna put it for 1 week. I've just thought of some mysteries that I cannot solve. But according to my theory, I will wait for time to pass to find my answer. What is the mystery? Sorry, no clues. But if I wait for 10 years plus, I may find my answer.
Joke of the Day
How does a mathematician induce good behavior in her children?
"I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times..."
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