Sunday, June 21, 2015

Birthday 2015
This year's birthday is definitely not as memorable and awesome as compared to last years, but it is definitely still memorable as I step into quarter life. Surprises came in the later part of the day. Clashing with Fathers' Day, it makes for a larger combined celebration with my extended family.

Been troubled with my mum's behaviour and rules recently and it destroyed a lot of my plans. I had to give up buying myself a kindle at a discounted price. I couldn't drink my Melbourne Breakfast tea that my friend gave me. I almost couldn't go to my grandmother's place today for a slightly bigger celebration. I don't blame her because she is just like that, but I just can't help it but still be angry at her. She did try to make it up for me by buying a surprise birthday cake for me, which I am grateful.
In the end, I managed to get her to my grandmother's place. In the afternoon, I was taught how to cook claypot rice, which turned out to be really tasty. See, this is a picture of my claypot rice.

I celebrated my birthday with a cake in the evening, and even went out to eat crabs, which I have been wanting to for a while already.
Learning Lessons and Thoughts
Everyone is entitled to their own time to be 'busy' with things and you can't demand their attention. Prioritize your attention to those who are willing to give it for you even despite their busy schedule. Don't expect much things to happen and sometimes you'll meet with a pleasant surprise!

All the years before, I have always wished for myself to be a high achiever and be successful in whatever I want to achieve. I guess I usually do get these wishes. This year, I shall wish for something different.

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