Recent events made me think a lot again...
9. Remember the time when I decided to give up on a friend? She came back two days later sharing her problems with me, and I just let my feelings take over me and went to console her again... and we got back together... becoming very very close friends again and re-bounced even closer than before. 'We can get closer and closer, but never too close'.
It didn't last. We quarreled again over the issue of platonic relationships because I am scared of being too close with her. Yes, I am scared and I threw the blame to her, I am wrong... but why? I could blame my past... but this means that I never have learnt from the past, being the old stubborn me again. She thinks platonic relationships is true. Girls can have platonic relationships, guys usually don't. Different genders operate differently. Such a differing opinion can cause one to argue more and find other reasons to unfriend each other. It does sound absurd, because, in the end, all these things doesn't even matter. It is the feelings that you get when people are friends together.
I know somewhere, that, there is this secret thing, something that bonds us together very well. Is it the mutual 'positive aura of influence' or the 'buff' that we give each other in each other's company? I lost this positive influence for a while now, and I do feel less motivated. I couldn't really identify this secret thing, but, it has kept us together no matter how hard I push her away. I am trusting that this special elastic band is going to do its job again. I trust it.
This person is truly special and different from the others, and I see the strengths in her that few would. She is emotionless (quite) and applies reason and rationality to things as well, just like me... Her capacity for reason and explanation could even surpass mine in many aspects. She could make me understand more things that I have been unable to. Even if she doesn't play a big role in my life, it still feels more right to be her friend. Empathy. People say I care too much about people and is too selfless. I rebutt them saying that they don't understand me well enough.
Emotions carry a lot of useful information. It is up to you to recognize your own pattern, navigate it, and use this information effectively to achieve a positive outcome.
This post has been dedicated to you...
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