Friday, January 25, 2008

Hmm... Long ime no post again... Seems like it's gettinga bit redundant to blog, but today, I wanted to put up a post, hehe. School has started and everything went back to normal, with some differences. Alan have been really busy with his Science Research, and now it's done (for the time being) he can finally take a rest :). Time now goes to Chingay ><" His weekend is lost to it... ahh well who ask him so dumb to go sign up. Hehe, this is sooo cute... Alan likes Wei Ting's idea, haha!

My Brother
Some of you might have already knew, I have a brother who is 1 year younger than me. Lucky enough for us after 10 years, we are finally in the same school!!! He got L1R5 of 4 with bonuses already counted. Zomg, this unity is undescribable, learning the same things and sharing all the same fun stuff in the same school. Too bad it will only last a year :(.

There was this talk by CPM today for certain people. which I unfortunately got in. That talk actually have some point, after thinking back about it (Omg la, please, not about the 'free flow' of chicken nuggets and plain water! :D) Maybe he is right... Does an introvert like Alan have the ability to make a difference? Thinking back, he won the unsung hero award in NPCC. His contribution though small, was recognised. So here comes the question.. what can he do now? His ambition is to become a medical researcher/surgeon/doctor. He really like science research, he actually got some compliments from the researchers at IBN, he can do relatively well in studies. Maybe he can help other people with their studies? Maybe he should study hard and gain more knowledge such that he can 'possibly' find a cure for AIDS? Can't forget the One Life catchline: Fight AIDS, fight the hate, you got one life, do something. Lolols. He shall try to help others... in an attempt. There is a kind inner heart in everyone of us, the other side of homo sapiens. Actually I do have a new year resolution, one which I will only keep to myself. Why am I always like that, say something, but don't actually saying it. Does this actually piss people off? I hope not. It's me... and I only want to be nice. The joke this week not so funny.

Joke of the Post
Lightest element award: Hydrogen
Most versatile award: Carbon
Most electronegative award: Fluoride
Most diamagnetic award: Bismuth
Lowest thermal conductivity: Mercury
Most autistic element award:Helium
Most Noble award: Helium